Today’s Commentary, Op-Ed and miscellaneous itmes from Occupation Info. For today’s news headlines, please see this post

A Palestinian demonstrator and an Israeli army officer argue during a protest against the building of Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah, Friday, Nov

News Interview: Uri Avnery speaks to Al Jazeera

(24-11-06)Rob Winder, Al Jazeera. Uri Avnery is an Israeli institution. Born Helmut Ostermann in 1923 in Germany to a wealthy Jewish family, he has been involved in Israeli politics for nearly 70 years. A committed Zionist as a young man, he became involved in an underground Jewish organisation that carried out acts of violence against British troops during their control of Palestine. By the age of 20 he had renounced violence and Zionism and he became an early advocate of a Palestinian state.

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News Interview: Like dying, totally helpless, trapped in a car

(24-11-06)Rob Winder, Daily Star. Lives proscribed, Palestinian artists narrate the culture of occupation through diaries posted online… For the last decade Emily Jacir has been recognized for the passion and ingenuity with which she renders the raw material of the Palestinian condition into art. She has a bushel of international awards, group and solo shows in the US, Europe and the Middle East to show for it. Jacir has chosen to divide her time between Ramallah and New York, and it’s been noted that her most affecting work takes up the theme of movement – voluntary and coerced – between places and cultures.

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News Censorship: Lenni Brenner in the Jewish Chronicle, and in full

(24-11-06)Lenni Brenner, Letter via Jews Sans Frontiers. Here’s a letter from Lenni Brenner to the Jewish Chronicle. Bolded are the bits that the Chronicle left out… Your 10/11 article re January performances of Perdition, Jim Allen’s 1987 play about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis in 1944 Hungary, says that it was “inspired” by my book, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators [Ed. Read the whole book online], and that I’ve challenged historian David Cesarani to “a discussion about the play’s Zionist-Nazi relations.” I now learn from your journal that he scorns the proposed debate as a “publicity stunt.” Indeed such an event would command attention, but to his Becoming Eichmann. Perdition is already one of the most discussed plays in British history.

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News Comment: Reclaiming America

(24-11-06)Ramzy Baroud, Al Ahram. The Democrats’ ascendancy within the US Congress could signal the regaining by the public, of its country’s direction. The astounding results of the US Congressional elections of 7 November were undoubtedly a welcome sign of change, not in the American political apparatus, inasmuch as it is in the unmistakable reclamation by the public of its role as the driving force which shapes the nation’s political posture. This having been said, one must not confuse the redefining of the public relevance to political discourse and processes, with the political machination and platforms entrusted with translating the people’s will, grievances or aspirations into action. The early signs are not promising however, and suggest that for any practical change to be achieved and consolidated, public awareness and engagement must, for their part, be neither marginalised nor relegated.

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News Comment: In the absence of an alternative

(24-11-06) – Galal Nassar, Al Ahram. Arab countries can make as many reasonable demands as they want but unless they have a credible course of action when those demands are not met they will never be taken seriously…The peace process was “dead”, declared a gathering of Arab foreign ministers following the recent war in Lebanon. It died because it was left at Israel’s mercy and must be revived through the intercession of the UN Security Council (UNSC), the ministers said in a meeting in Cairo on 20 August. They promised to urge the UNSC to meet in September and discuss a formula for settling the Arab-Israeli conflict within a fixed timetable and backed up with international guarantees.

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News Comment: The Democrats and the slaughterhouse

(24-11-06)Alexander Cockburn, CounterPunch. Democrats, put in charge of Congress next January by voters who turned against the war, are now split on what to do. The 80 or so members of the House who favor swift withdrawal got a swift rebuff when Steny Hoyer won the House Majority leader position at a canter from Jack Murtha, humiliating House majority whip Nancy Pelosi in the process. But there are still maneuvers to have Murtha capture a significant role in brokering the rapid exit strategy he stunned Washington by advocating a year ago.

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News Comment: Who benefits? Syria as fallguy for Gemayel’s death

(24-11-06)Jonathan Cook, CounterPunch. Unlike my colleagues, I do not claim to know who killed Gemayel. Maybe Syria was behind the shooting. Maybe, in Lebanon’s notoriously intrigue-ridden and fractious political system, someone with a grudge against Gemayel – even from within his own party – pulled the trigger. Or maybe, Israel once again flexed the muscles of its long arm in Lebanon. It seems, however, as if the last possibility cannot be entertained in polite society. So let me offer a few impolite thoughts.

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News Comment: Israel should consider a Hamas truce – and deal with Syria

(24-11-06)Yossi Alpher, Daily Star. Hamas’ conditions for a long-term hudna or truce, as relayed by a few Israelis who have met with relatively low-ranking Hamas officials, are almost too good to be true. A refugee right of return and Jerusalem can wait for some other process; Hamas will accept the 1967 borders, more or less, and in return will guarantee peace and quiet for 10, 25 or 30 years of good neighborly relations and confidence-building.

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News Comment: Double trouble

(24-11-06)Yossi Sarid, Haaretz. Defense Minister Amir Peretz has to go home. This is clear. But why does Prime Minister Ehud Olmert – who appointed Peretz as defense minister and cooked up the stew together with him – have to stay? This is not clear. Olmert and Peretz are both suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. How else can their behavior be explained? The occupational therapy since the war has not helped, the ambulatory treatment has been to no avail and far more aggressive clinical procedures are needed.

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News Comment: The Situation and Ways Out

(24-11-06)Walid Salem, Palestine Chronicle. The National unity Government might not come! Opposite to the optimism that was till the last week, the Palestinian Unity Government might not come to existence, five points about the Government are agreed upon between Hamas and Fatah, while the important other four points are still problematic.

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News Comment: Why I’m backing Israel

(24-11-06)Lorna Fitzsimons, The Guardian. [Ed. LOL! Alert – Manages to link pro-Palestinians with ‘Al Qaeda’ propaganda, creates historical fiction, and of course trots out the old ‘Israel’s willing to compromise for peace’ li[n]e – which is why the Israeli state has rejected two Hamas olive branches in as many weeks, not to mention the Spain-France initiative] Some said I should have my head examined after I agreed to become the chief executive of a pro-Israel advocacy group, the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre. There is never a wrong time to do the right thing and if, like me, you are convinced of Israel’s cause, then why not support Israel and why not now? I have never been more concerned about the false reality many people are constructing around Israel and the Middle East, here and abroad. Our polling shows that opinion formers know that Israel is a fully functioning democracy, but care more about what Israel does than what Israel is.

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